Thursday, May 21, 2009

A break in the heat

The past 3 days have been unbearable with the temps in the mid 90's. But, today is a nice relief with the low 70's. I'm watching and big storm southwest of us, it's moving our direction. Hopefully it will disipate some before it gets to us as there are 1"-2" size hail stones right now.

It has taken me a couple of weeks to get back to quilting. I'm now working on things that have been in the works so I can get started on Rach's Trip Around the World. I think I will be able to start that next week. Hopefully between now and then I will be able to get some of the sewing room and quilt studio cleaned up a bit. It's so easy to get disorganized down there. For it, it's disorganized chaos, but it's getting to disorganized for me now.

Will post some pics in a few days of what I've been working on. I do need to make a new bag, I need something bright and cheery. Time to pull out the binder with those patterns and pick one. Might have to squeeze that in this weekend.

Happy Quilting,

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