A local farm market is owned by a woman that Glen graduated high school with. I stopped by today and brought home a dozen ears of Sugar and Cream corn and 2 cantaloupe. Rocky Ford is known as the melon capital for a reason. Ü Looking forward to cutting into them this evening! For dinner? I'll be wrapping the ears of corn in foil and popping those puppies on the bbq. Oh YUM!! If I can get motivated, I need to get corn frozen next week before they get too dry. Around here, the corn and melons are picked daily. Again, YUM!!
The ArkValley Fair is less then a week away. Rachel has been very busy crocheting for baby Liam (due Aug 14) so she will have things to enter in the fair. I have a quilt for Liam to enter and a crocheted afghan. I've actually stopped crocheting for him since Rach is having so much fun doing it. LOL Since I quilt as a business, I have to enter as a professional, so less things can go in. Or maybe I could enter more, but I have little time to quilt for me these days.
Summer zaps all energy out of me. I am so ready for Sept to get here. We still have warm days in Sept, but we get more breaks from the heat. The older I get, the harder it is to get through the summers. Now, if I could spend all day quilting, that would be ok with me. Ok, so the sewing room and quilt studio are both downstairs, the coolest rooms in the house. LOL In the winter, they are also the warmest rooms in the house, so I dress iin layers in the house and undo layers when I'm down there.
I will update with photos next week. Hopefully there will be lots of fair ribbons to share.
Happy Quilting!!!!!
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